What Do You Treasure?

Do you treasure your favorite photos of kids, parents, siblings, friends, trips, pets, concerts, dinners, parties and holidays?

Your photos become even more valuable when they are paired with the stories that describe them.

A story about my grandparents using my Mom's scanned photos. Click to see the whole story.

A story about my grandparents using my Mom's scanned photos. Click to see the whole story.

Lately I have been sharing a variety of my Timebox stories with people via email, streaming to their Apple TV and in-person.

Stories about our trip to New Zealand, my 2013 Pan Mass Challenge bike-a-thon (2014 coming up), our dog Clover and our niece Sarah’s 2007 10-year old trip. This has been easy and fun for me to do and amusing for the recipient — so they say.

All my Timebox stories are treasured memories that I am happy to browse, show and share.

Sometimes I love the stories so much that I want a physical reminder of the fun I had so I make a book or a poster. Seeing the photos and stories of our New Zealand trip in a book on the coffee table is really great.

I have scanned a bunch of my mom’s photos from when she was growing up and added them to my Timebox. When she comes to visit in June I will correct the dates, add her stories and share them with my siblings. 

More treasures safely stored in my Timebox.